Surf-Fur Waterparka
FAQs for Care:
Q: Is the Water Parka machine washable?
A: Yes, but wash in cold cold water, no detergent, in the express cycle and hang dry. Do not use fabric softener. Do not use detergents with oils. Better yet, don't use detergent at all. Just rinse with a hose and hang dry. Washing incorrectly will delaminate the fabrics and void the warranty. Basically, don't wash it unless it really is dirty. Fish guts, yes! Wash it! Sand? Shake it off and maybe hose down. The less you wash, the longer it will last.
Q: What soap do you suggest I use to clean all my Surf-fur gear with if it's really dirty/smelly?
A. We suggest OXYCLEAN and also, oh yeah, OXYCLEAN. That is the only one we ever suggest. One of the active ingredients in OxiClean is sodium percarbonate (Na2CO3•H2O2), an adduct of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). This breaks down into hydrogen peroxide when dissolved in water. These ingredients break down safely in the environment and leave no toxic byproducts. So, it's a good choice. Oxyclean.